She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her task
Proverbs 31:17

White Ceramic Cup on Saucer
Green Grass Under Blue Skies

Hi there!

Missy is a modern homesteader located in the Midwest. She is dedicated to helping you live more simply and help you become the best homemaker you can be.

This simple lifestyle is driven by not only more self-reliance but building community reliance.

Building these two types of reliance entails cooking meals from scratch, keeping a home and enjoying a slower paced life.

Get To Know Me!

Black Home Area Rug

Home is my favorite place to be.

I’ve been married to my amazing husband since 2021.

Cast iron pans are my favorite cooking tool.

White Ceramic Cup on Saucer

Tea, kombucha, water kefir and raw milk are my favorite drinks.